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Word Order

Grammar Stretch Word Order Satzstellung Englisch online lernen

💁‍♂️ Regel 1:

Subjekt ist vor dem Prädikat.

We go to the cinema. 🎞️ 📽️ 🍿 On Saturday we go to the cinema.

 💁 Regel 2:

Die Zeitangabe (time) ist entweder ganz vorne oder ganz hinten.

At lunchtime he goes home. 🕛 🏃‍♂️ 🏠 He goes home with Jack at lunchtime.

Die Reihenfolge der Satzglieder in einfachen Aussagesätzen ist

🙌 Subject - Predicate - Object (S-P-O) 🙌


Today - Mike - studies - English - at home - in the evening.

Time - Subject - Predicate - Object - Place - Time

  Adverbs of Frequency
(always, usually, never, sometimes, …)

  • vor dem verb:


They often play football after school. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 ⚽ 🏫

The bus never arrives on time. 🚌 ⏰

She usually reads a book before going to sleep. 👩 📖 🛏️

  • nach: am, is, are, can, may, must, was, were, will, would


I am always excited to go to the park. 😃 🌳 🏞️

We are usually early for school. ⏰ 👧🏽 👦🏽 🏫

She can often solve math problems quickly. 🧮 💡 👩🏻‍🏫

They will sometimes visit their grandparents. 👵🏼 👴🏼 🏡

He would never eat that. 🙅‍♂️ 🍽️ 🤢

  • zwischen: have … been, has … been, have … got, has … got


She has always got a smile on her face. 😊 👩‍🦰

You have always been a good friend to me. 👫 💖

We have rarely got any problems with this computer. 💻 👍 🔧

  • before: have to / has to


He often has to study late at night. 📚 🌙 🕒

They always have to wear helmets while riding bikes. 🚴‍♂️ 👷‍♀️ 👷‍♂️ 👍


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