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Question Words 

Grammar Stretch Question Words Englisch Online Lernen Fragewörter Englisch

So stellst du Fragen mit Hilfe der Fragewörter:

Where = Wo

Where is the dog? 🐕

Who = Wer

Who are you? 👤

When = Wann

When do you get up? ⏰ 🛌

Why = Warum

Why is the sky blue? 💙

What = Was

What do you want to eat? 🍽️

How = Wie

How do you bake a cake? 🎂

Which = Welcher / Welche / Welches

Which book do you want to read? 📚

Whose = Wessen

Whose car is parked outside? 🚗


Weitere Fragewörter:

How many = Wie viele

How many cookies do you want? 🍪

How much = Wie viel

How much water do you need? 💧

How often = Wie oft

How often do you brush your teeth? 🦷

How far = Wie weit

How far is the park from here? 🌳

How long = Wie lange

How long does it take to cook pasta? 🍝

How old = Wie alt

How old are you? 🎂

What time = Um wie viel Uhr

What time does the movie start? 🎥


😻 Übungssätze: Online Übungen 5.Schulstufe 😻

Thema auswählen: Question Words

😻 Übungssätze: Online Übungen 6.Schulstufe 😻

Thema auswählen: Question Words

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